Public Health
(336) 703-3100
Social Services
(336) 703-3800
Behavioral Health
(336) 703-2600
Bridges to Hope
(336) 776-3255
Animal Shelter
(336) 703-2480
Communicable Disease
24/7 - (336) 409-0357

Family & Children

Services that offer nutritional education and safeguards for children's well-being,
safety, and permanence by supporting and enhancing family systems.

To persons who have had or may in the future have their Medicaid benefits terminated or reduced in North Carolina, please read the following:
Final Notice - Proposed Settlement of Franklin et al. versus Kinsley

Adoption services are provided by the Forsyth County Department of Social Services to enable children to have timely legal permanence with stable and loving families. Our adoption services help find and support families who can nurture, raise, and protect those children who are legally free for adoption.

Adoption services include assessment and preparation of children for adoption, recruitment of adoptive families, training and licensure of foster and foster-to-adopt families, placement of children in adoptive homes, and implementation of support services. Post-adoption services are available for adoptive families, adult adoptees, and birth families to ensure the ongoing success of children and families.

For more information on becoming a foster or foster-to-adopt parent please call: 703-3800 or 703‐CHILD (2445).

Bridges to Hope brings organizations together in one space. Services will be provided at no cost to individuals and families experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, child maltreatment, elder abuse, and human trafficking.

Service Hours: Monday- Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: (336) 776-3255

Visit Bridges to Hope's website.

Child & Family Teams (CFTs) are "Family Driven" meetings. CFTs are family-focused and are designed to meet the families "where they are". Forsyth County DSS uses family engagement and trauma-informed practices to accommodate families in meeting their needs.

Believing that family members are the experts on their experiences and circumstances, the purpose of a CFT is to encourage the family, along with their supports, to discuss the concerns and needs of the child(ren) and family. The primary goals of a productive CFT are to: Ensure that each family member is heard; Effectively communicate needs and concerns between all parties; and Develop or update case plans to meet the family’s ongoing needs.

A neutral facilitator is present during CFTs to guide the meeting process and to clarify the meeting’s purpose. This is done by the facilitator setting ground rules and ensuring that everyone has a chance to speak and be heard.

To learn more, call 336-703-3800.

Child Care Assistance - 336-703-3800.

The Child Care Assistance Program provides subsidized daycare for children from birth through age 12 whose family meets the income and other program priority criteria. This program helps families afford childcare by sharing the cost of care. Most parents must pay a fee, depending on the size of their family and their income. The availability of assistance is dependent upon funding availability and service priorities.  

Child Care Resource Center offers a free online child care search, enhanced searches, training, job boards and other resources to help you navigate child care assistance, programs and resources.

The FCDSS Child Protective Services (CPS) Intake department receives reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, and dependency for children under the age of 18. Once a report is accepted for meeting NC General Statutes 7B for abuse and/or neglect, a CPS social worker is assigned to assess any risk to the child and the family's ability to provide a safe environment in a trauma-informed manner, coordination with law enforcement and other community partners provides necessary services or court action to protect the child. Community partnerships and resources are utilized when working with all families.

Any person suspecting a child of being abused, neglected, and dependent is mandated to make a report to CPS. The identity of each reporter is kept confidential by law.

To report suspected child abuse, neglect and/or dependency, call 336-703-ABUSE (2287).

Forsyth County DSS CPS In-Home Services is vital for the provision of social work services for children whose families have been found in need of services, or for those whose parents have been substantiated for neglect or abuse.

The primary goal for ongoing CPS In-Home Services is to support families to safely maintain their child (ren) in their own homes by eliminating identified safety concerns and reducing risk of future child maltreatment. CPS In-Home Services social workers engage families, their support systems, and other services providers to meet the identified need of the child (ren) and their families.

CPS In-Home Services uses trauma-informed practices and family engagement to deliver services to families within the context of the family’s own community structure and can significantly reduce recidivism of Child Protective Services for families who have previously experienced child maltreatment, abuse, neglect, and domestic violence.

To learn more, call 336-703-3800.

CSS agents help locate non-custodial parents, establish the paternity of the child(ren) and petition the court to order child support payments. Once a court order has been established, incoming child support payments are received through NC's centralized collections operation, which manages the collection and disbursement of all ordered child support payments in the state.


To enforce child support orders, CSS agents can initiate legal action, withhold support payments from wages, and intercept tax refunds. The Intergovernmental agents work with other states to establish paternity and support in cases where one parent lives outside North Carolina. Families that receive Work First Family Assistance or Medicaid are automatically referred for Child Support Services. The services are also available to families that do not receive public assistance upon application and payment of a nominal fee based on income.


This functional unit is involved when we need another state’s help to establish or enforce an order or when they need our help. There are two functions within Intergovernmental!  

  • Responding - when another state requests our help
  • Initiating - when we request help from another state
They use the same establishment and enforcement remedies as the other functional teams. 

The Cleveland Avenue Dental Center is part of the Forsyth County Department of Health and Human Services. We serve children and adults of Forsyth County and surrounding areas. We accept Medicaid, NC Health Choice, Ameritas and self-pay patients. A sliding fee scale may be applied for self-pay patients based on household income. We are a fully functioning dental center for both children and adults. Our caring, compassionate staff will help ensure that you have a pleasant dental experience.

For additional information or to book an appointment contact 336-703-3090.

The Forsyth County DSS Clinical Services Unit provides assessment and treatment for children who have experienced significant trauma or who have behavioral challenges as a result of adverse experiences. Social workers within the Family and Children's Division are able to refer children, ages 3 to 18 years for assessments and individual therapy provided by a Licensed Clinician. Clinical Services include Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Trauma-Informed Comprehensive Clinical Assessments (TICCA) provided by clinicians rostered through the NC Child Treatment Program.

To learn more call: 336-703-3800

The Crisis Intervention Program serves individuals and families experiencing a heating or cooling related crisis. Applicants can present a final notice or past due utility bill and must have a health-related or life-threatening emergency to potentially be eligible for crisis funds. Life-threatening is defined as a household with no heating or cooling source or has a disconnect notice for their primary heating or cooling service, and the health or well-being of a household member would be in danger if the heating or cooling crisis were not alleviated. This program can assist with the amount needed to avoid disconnection within three days of the disconnect day, up to $600.00 per fiscal year, or until state funds are exhausted. Each household must apply at each time of crisis.   

Telephone: Call Center Number 336-703-3800


Visit the ePASS site to sign up for various economic services. Or scan the QR code to access to the ePASS site.

The Family and Children's Medicaid programs provide healthcare coverage for qualifying citizens of North Carolina who meet income guidelines and other eligibility criteria. Depending upon the circumstances, applications may be eligible for a specific program within various Medicaid services, including Medicaid for Infants and Children and Medicaid for Pregnant Women.

If you want to provide any information for your pending application or case, please email it to

Telephone: Call Center Number 336-703-3800.

To persons who have had or may in the future have their Medicaid benefits terminated or reduced in North Carolina; please read the following: Notice to Class


Visit the ePASS site to sign up for various economic services. Or scan the QR code to access to the ePASS site.

The Food and Nutrition Services - 336-703-3800

program provides nutrition benefits to supplement the monthly food budget of eligible households to purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. Monthly benefits are issued to recipients via an Electronic Benefits Transfer card (EBT card) to buy food. The monthly benefit amount each household receives is determined by multiple eligibility factors, including the number of people in the household, total income, and allowable deductions.   

If you want to provide any information for your pending application or case, please email it to


Visit the ePASS site to sign up for various economic services. Or scan the QR code to access to the ePASS site.

Forsyth County DSS Foster Care Services are provided to children and young adults (birth to 21 years of age) who are in the legal custody of the Forsyth County Department of Social Services. Services are provided to the children, young adults, and their families to bring about the realization of a permanent plan for each child. Permanent plan options include: reuniting children with the parent/caretaker from whom they were removed, custody/guardianship with an approved relative or caretaker, another planned permanent living arrangement (APPLA), and adoption. Foster care services collaborate with families to assess their needs, review and monitor progress on goals, and work with the court system towards achieving timely permanence for children.

Services are provided in a trauma-informed manner to assist children and families towards achieving self-sufficiency and timely permanency. By way of Foster Care 18-21 Services, young adults who exit foster care at the age of 18 are able to receive ongoing financial, educational, and vocational support through their 21st birthday while working to achieve independence and self-sufficiency.

To learn more, call 336-703-2445.

We strive to embrace and drive change in our industry which allows us to keep our clients relevant and ready to adapt.

This is a case management program is for post-partum women helps improve their interconceptional health, maximize positive future births outcomes, and address racial disparities in infant mortality.

Learn more about this program on the DHHS Baby Love Plus website.

On-time vaccination throughout childhood helps build your child's immunity before exposure to potentially life-threatening diseases. Forsyth County Health and Human Services Immunization Program provides free or low-cost vaccines to qualifying adults and children.

For additional information or to book an appointment contact 336-703-3324.

The Forsyth County DSS LINKS program provides outcome-based services for adolescents ages 13-17 currently in foster care and/or young adults participating in Foster Care 18-21 Services to increase their capacity to become self-sufficient adults and achieve positive outcomes.

LINKS aims to assist young adults in eight outcomes established by North Carolina. These outcomes are:

  • Outcome #1: Youth has Sufficient Economic Resources to Meet Daily Living Needs
  • Outcome #2: Youth has a Safe and Stable Place to Live
  • Outcome #3: Youth is Attaining or has Attained Academic or Vocational Educational Goals in Keeping with His/Her Interests or Abilities
  • Outcome #4: Youth has Connections to a Positive Personal Support System
  • Outcome #5: Youth is Avoiding Illegal / High-Risk Behaviors
  • Outcome #6: Youth is Postponing Parenthood until Financially and Emotionally Capable of Parenting
  • Outcome #7: Youth has Access to Physical, Dental, and Mental Health Services
  • Outcome#8: Youth leaving the foster care system shall have regular, ongoing, opportunities to engage in age and/or developmentally appropriate activities
In achieving these outcomes, the FCDSS LINKS program also partners with trauma-informed community providers to collaborate on identifying resources and programs to achieve these goals. 

The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program is a federally funded program that provides a one-time annual energy provider payment to help eligible families pay their heating bills. Households, including a person aged 60 or older or disabled persons receiving services through the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services, can sign up for assistance from Dec. 1 – 31. All other households may apply from Jan. 1 to March 31 or until funds are exhausted. 

Telephone: Call Center Number 336-703-3800


Visit the ePASS site to sign up for various economic services. Or scan the QR code to access to the ePASS site.

Provides free parent classes and workshops to the community on various topics such as Safe Sleep, SIDS and child development: birth through adolescence.

Free Community resources guides.

Learn more about these programs on the DHHS Parenting Education website.

Non Emergency Medical Transportation - NEMT Number - 336-703-3919

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Services, commonly referred to as Medicaid Transportation, consists of arranging and paying for transportation services for Medicaid recipients. Eligible recipients will receive transportation assistance to attend scheduled medical appointments for which they will receive a Medicaid-covered service. The Medicaid transportation unit determines eligibility and the most appropriate method of transportation by completing a Medicaid Transportation Assessment. 

Medical Transportation is available to all Medicaid beneficiaries who need and request assistance with transportation; contact the Medical Transportation Unit to determine if you qualify for Medical Transportation. 

If you want to provide any information for your pending application or case, please email it to

Nurse-Family Partnership is an evidence-based nurse home visiting program for first-time, low income pregnant women and their families starting early in pregnancy until the baby's second birthday.

You may qualify for Nurse-Family Partnership if you:

  • Are pregnant with your first baby.
  • Live in Forsyth County.
  • Are early in your pregnacny.
  • Have an income that qualifies you for Medicaid or WIC.
How does the program work?
Through weekly or twice a month home visits starting early in pregnancy until the baby is two years old, nurses support firsttime moms toward three goals:
  1. Improved pregnancy outcomes
  2. Improved child health and development
  3. Improved economic self-sufficiency of the family
How can I find out more about Nurse-Family Partnership?
  • Please visit our national website at
  • If you would like more information about Nurse-Family Partnership in Forsyth County or to find out if you can participate, please call our office at 336-703-3185.

The Preventative Dental Health Program located at the Forsyth County Department of Public Health provides non-clinical, preventative dental health services including, but not limited to, oral health assessments and referrals for children within Forsyth County.

Learn more on the Preventive Dental Health website.

The School Health Program is provided by Public Health nurses to address the health concerns, medical problems, and health care needs of the school age population. The program places emphasis on prevention, early intervention and remediation of health issues. Public Health nurses make weekly visits to each school and home visits as indicated to help meet the health needs of students, parents, schools and the community, thus facilitating effective education and positive student outcomes. Five schools designated as ECP (Exceptional Children's Programs) have a full-time public health nurse on staff.

For more information, call (336) 703-3100

Tuberculosis Control and TB Skin Tests are available by appointment only

For additional information or to book an appointment contact 336-703-3324

The Forsyth County DSS Visitation and Transportation Team supports parents and children during their court-ordered visitation. They also provide transportation for children to and from visits and counseling services as needed, while the children are in foster care.

Visitation social workers engage and encourage families to implement effective parenting skills, in a trauma-informed manner, as they work towards reunification and permanence for their children.

The majority of visits are held in our family-centered visitation rooms but may also occur at local parks or community venues.

To learn more, call 336-703-3800.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a public health nutrition program under the USDA providing nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and healthcare referrals for income-eligible women who are pregnant or post-partum, infants, and children up to age 5.

Learn more about WIC on the DHHS WIC website.

Public Health

799 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3100
Fax: 336-748-3292

Social Services

741 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3800
Fax: 336-727-2842

Bridges to Hope

725 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-776-3255

Animal Shelter

5570 Sturmer Park Circle
Winston Salem, NC 27105
Phone: 336-703-2480

Behavioral Health Services

Phone: 336-703-2600

Communicable Disease

24/7 Phone Line

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Public Health

Social Services

Animal Shelter