The assessed value of all real property, as well as a description of improvements, can be obtained from the Real Estate Appraisal Section. We can better assist you if you have the pin number, full name of the owner, and a complete street address when you call or come into the office. Real estate appraisal records may be purchased at a cost of 50 cents per page.

January 1 is the day on which the value, ownership, and location of real property is determined for ad valorem tax purposes. Tax bills are prepared in the name of the owner of record as of January 1 of each year. Transfer of ownership during the year does not relieve the seller of tax liability. Ordinarily, taxes are prorated at the time of transfer of ownership during closing between the buyer and the seller. To determine if your taxes were prorated at the time of closing, contact your realtor or closing attorney.

If you do not feel that the assessed value of your property is valid, you may file an appeal to the Forsyth County Board of Equalization and Review. Appeals to the Board of Equalization and Review must be received in our office or postmarked after January 1st and no later than the last business day in June. You may obtain answers to your questions and an appeal form by contacting our Real Estate Appraisal Section during regular office hours.

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